Cleaning Recipes

Homemade All-Natural Cinnamon Scented Cleaner

I have tried a few a lot of recipes for homemade all-purpose cleaners. I keep going back to this one because its super easy, works great and smells great too. My favorite part? No chemicals! It only has three ingredients so it is not hard to remember how to make it when you run out. Don’t worry if you are not a fan of cinnamon, you can use other scents as well 🙂 You will need:

  • Large clean spray bottle
  • Measuring cup
  • 12 oz. White vinegar
  • 12 oz. Water
  • 20-40 drops Cassia essential oil (depending on how strong you want it to smell)

A quick word about my measuring cup in the picture above. I highly recommend this for anyone who loves to cook. It is a flexible silicone measuring cup, I have had it for almost 2 years and I love it. (Here is the link to the site if you want more info about it: Flex-It Silicone Measuring Cup) Ok back to the recipe!! Add the water, vinegar and essential oil to the large spray bottle and shake, that is it! (Give a quick shake before each use as well)

Just a few warnings:

  • Avoid eye contact, the cassia oil will burn!
  • Do not use cassia essential oil if pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Do not use this cleaner (vinegar) on granite counter tops
  • You may develop the sudden urge to bake cinnamon rolls

Now some of you who are new to this homemade stuff may wonder if this will really clean/sanitize your surfaces. Well the answer is yes! Vinegar and cassia essential oil are both anti-microbial 🙂 The other benefit to using essential oils in your homemade cleaning products is that you are getting aroma-therapy while you are cleaning! Cassia oil is very refreshing, uplifting and comforting. If you would like more information on cassia oil and its uses you can find some great info here and here. Some other great essential oils you could use in this recipe (that are also anti-microbial) would be lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, tea tree, lemon and oregano.

Happy cleaning!

❤ Ashley

2 thoughts on “Homemade All-Natural Cinnamon Scented Cleaner”

  1. I just stumbled upon your blog randomly and decided to try out a couple of your recipes, this all purpose cleaner being one of them. So of course after making it I had to try it and it is FABULOUS! I love it, I do not believe I will go back to using anything store bought at all. Thank you so much 🙂

  2. I own a cleaning business, and my partner and I strive to clean with all natural ingredients. What we do for our bathroom/all-purpose cleaner is this:
    Purchase a gallon of distilled white vinegar and a bag of oranges. Peel the oranges ( approx. 8 medium sized/ gallon). Add the orange peels to the gallon of vinegar. Shake it up good, 1-2times/day for 30 days. Strain the orange vinegar using a wire mesh strainer and dispose of the peels. Wallah! Natural orange cleaner 🙂 Fill a 32 oz spray bottle halfway with orange vinegar, and fill the remaining half with distilled water. Add approximately 1/2-1 tsp. of liquid castle soap or a natural dish soap such as Seventh Generation brand. Add 20-30 drops of your favorite antibacterial 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oil (I.e. orange, lavender, lemon, lime, tea tree, peppermint, or a combination thereof). Shake each time before use. This is an amazingly wonderful natural cleaner. And you won’t have to worry about your orange vinegar going rancid since the vinegar preserves the orange, naturally and indefinitely:)

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